You can do ANYTHING You want to do.

And I can help you get there.

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You were not meant to live your life simply surviving

Feeling stuck, caught in a trap of overwhelm, burnout, stress, confusion and getting nowhere fast? Sick of feeling unfulfilled, not being able to shake a niggle of, 'is this it?'

So often, we get stuck on the rat race, living our lives day to day, never really giving ourselves the opportunity to consider what we'd really love our lives to feel like - and, when we do, self doubt creeps in, so we stay stuck, frustrated and not living up to your potential.

Work with me if you want to build confidence, accelerate your growth and live the life of your dreams.

How I create transformation

Coaching with me involves working with me one to one either in person or online. Unlike counselling, which focusses on processing adversity, we look forward into your life to support you to set and achieve your goals, overcome your mental and practical challenges and get you the life you desperatiley deserve.

I specialise in helping people define and create the happiest version of themselves.

WHAT is possible for you?

  • I have had clients overcome self doubt to leave their successful legal career to set up their own business growing flowers.

  • Clients who have grew their confidence to pivot their career and double their salary.

  • Clients who ditched the feeling of not being good enough, re-qualified and set up a side hustle

  • Clients that have never prioritised their happiness, learn how to put themselves first - even deciding to travel alone!

  • Clients knowing they need support to accelerate their growth so they can smash their marathon PB, move into their first house, find love and change their job.

  • Clients who have navigated toxicity in their relationship and learned to re-build their life on their terms again - finding passions they forgot were there.

  • Clients moving from being stuck and confused in their job to pursue their dream of being a paid writer (AND getting their first client by the second session)

  • Clients not knowing what on earth they want in their life to finding clarity and taking action.

  • Clients that are sick of feeling 'meh' and have worked out their true passions in life and lived them

And most of these clients started with the belief 'more' wasn't possible, or with no idea how to get it.



Meg has truly pushed me out of every comfort zone possible.I started my happybyme journey lost, unsure on who I was and needing direction. Well, Meg provided just that. I now have my own side business andI am confidentin who I am and what I bring to the table. I can’t recommend the programme enough.



When I reached out to Meg I was in a ‘Meh’ part of my life, knew I wanted to be doing more but wasn’t sure what. I had also forgotten what made me tick, what I enjoyed!

Meg has helped me to re-evaluate what is important to me, my values and where I want to head to in my life. I roughly knew where I wanted to get to but didn’t know all the stepping stones in the middle to get me to my goal.

Meg gives you the confidence to be your authentic self and helps make sense of the rambling noise that might appear in your head and fall out your mouth in your sessions with her. Meg will help you look at things differently and question everything, all for the greater good. You might experience a few light bulb or oh moments!

Without doubt it is a worthy spend of your time and money to invest in yourself and learn from Meg.



Wanting coaching was something I never thought would appeal to me… I just thought everyone carried on in this “meh” state of life until I spoke with Meg. 

Meg showed me there can be so much more to your life… there already is so much more to discover you just have to take the first step to see it.

If you have been feeling like this, I would 100% recommend just taking that first step into coaching, being able to strip everything back to understand what really makes YOU happy is so blooming powerful. I still use some of the ways of thinking Meg taught me daily.



Being able to trust my coach and for them to fully understand my needs was really important to me and I feel that Meg put me at ease and structured the coaching programme effectively. Her toolkit of strategies and techniques are very effective and I never would have thought a coaching approach would have such a positive impact on me personally and professionally. 

I have no hesitation in recommending happybyme and I would encourage anyone who is serious in changing their mindset should speak to them.



I initially went to happybyme with a focus on developing the necessary strategies to refine and determine the right career path for myself and came away with much more.

Through coaching I learnt more about myself, developed in confidence, learnt practical activities to personally challenge myself to achieve my goals and refined a vision of happiness in my career and a plan of how to achieve that.

It really has had a long-term impact and in my case, career changing. To this day, I still use my learning and reflection from my coaching and will be forever grateful for the positive impact on my life.



I worked with Meg because I wanted to further my career but was stalling and didn’t know why. 

The impact was remarkable, she helped me to draw out and analyse any limited beliefs I had been holding onto and overcome my insecurities. 

Several weeks later I was promoted to manager! If anyone is thinking about taking one of Meg’s courses I would strongly recommend it, Meg’s experience and skills are outstanding



My coach was easy to talk to, understood me and provided a veryprofessional service.I would highly recommend them to anyone who is seekingcoaching services 



You can tell that Meg genuinely cares about helping her clients. When meeting with her one on one you can tell that she is actively listening as she provides meaningful insights about your discussions to make you think about where you are and what you want in life.

She provides a framework to work through your specific issues - for me that was career focused and trying to overcome burnout. Meg is such a great resource if you want to get serious about how to find more happiness in your life!



I engaged Meg for 6 individual sessions of leadership coaching as I started a new job. The consultations with her provided me structure, reflection and action planning to build my initial strategic plan.

Meg’s objective and positive guidance with key thought-provoking questions helped me clarify where I wanted to go and how I would get there. I will definitely engage Meg again for her services.



I started coaching with Meg because I was stuck in a rut and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.

After six weeks I'd not only decided I wanted to start my own business but I even managed to land my first client. 

Meg helped me to find my confidence again and now I know exactly what a happy life looks like for me. I can't recommend her coaching enough

About Me

I believe so deeply that everyone can live the life of their dreams, but not everyone ever really considers what that could mean for them.

We let fear, self doubt, anxiety and a whole load of other (totally natural) human emotions and cognitions get in the way of what we really want in life.

It's my job to help you over come those.

My approach finds balance between compassion and challenging you to grow. You can't beat yourself up into the life of your dreams, but I want to stretch the limits of your imagination to live a life you never even dreamed possible.

In our sessions, I will question, challenge and support you to think in different ways. I will guide you through exercises to get you clear on your direction and hold you accountable for the actions you agree.

Our sessions together will be empowering, fun and the space you need to explore the life of your bloody dreams.

I already believe you have everything you need, it's time you did too.

Background and Qualifications

I have a 10 year career leading people (HR) functions plus a wide range of leading mutual-disciplinary functions such as strategy, governance, risk, compliance, assurance, IT & change and talent. I have always built high performing teams throughout my career and have coaching to thank for this.

I have been coaching private clients since 2020 and have over 200 hours of recorded coaching time.

I have a MA in Human Resources Management. An MsC in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology. I am an NLP practitioner, qualified by Lumina Spark psychometrics. I also sit on two Boards as Non-Exec Director.

I subscribe to the EMCC code of ethics throughout my coaching - further information can be found within our one to one contract.

Book a call

If we do work together, what does that look like?

Everyone's dreams and definition of happiness is unique to them - which means no two journeys are the same. I tailor my approach to every client and am as flexible as possible to facilitate your journey and help you achieve your goals.

You can work with me on an ad-hoc basis (booking sessions when you need them), but most transformation comes from committing to a short course of 3 or 6 months of regular sessions to really gain momentum on your dream.

Broadly, we focus on three core areas:



We create a vision so powerful that it feels as though no other option is available to you. I create space for you to explore and challenge you to think differently about your life.



We're learned things in our lifetime that may be hindering our self belief and confidence to whether our dream is possible. I can support you in re-writing this narrative and help you believe you are unstoppable.



Action is the only thing that will close the gap between where you are and where you want to be. We chunk your goals into meaningful and manageable plans to get your goal into your life.

Discover how working with me can support you - apply to work with me now!

Change starts with open conversation to understanding what is getting in the way of you living your dream life.

It's so important you feel comfortable that I'm the right coach and I totally get coaching may be an unfamiliar support. This is why I offer a FREE 45 minute consultation / taster call with every person thinking about working with me.

In this call, we start to explore your dream, your plan and what's getting in the way. You can experience what working with me feels like and ask me any questions you may have - I'm an open book!

Applications are being taken to join the waiting list to work with me, please add your details below.

Have another question? Get in touch!


Where do sessions take place?

Sessions take place online via zoom or in person at Grangewood Garden Centre, Mile Oak, Tamworth B78 3HP.

Note that the premises at Grangewood is booked via Potentilla Wellbeing Centre. Happybyme is in no way affiliated with the services of the centre.

How do I know if it'll work for me?

Our fear can stop us taking the step forward to coaching because we believe that 'it'll work for someone else, but not for me'. It's this kind of limiting belief that we start to tackle throughout our time together.

The purpose of our consultation / taster call is to give you a feel for whether it's right for you. If I feel that coaching is not suitable, I will direct you to another service that could be of support.

What does it cost?

Each one hour session is £150. You can book for longer than an hour if you wish, depending on what we are working on.

You can book a block of 6 sessions for £800 or a block of 12 sessions for £1500 (getting 2 free!).

If booking in blocks, payment must be made prior to the first session.

How do the sessions work?

From our consultation, we'll know what it is that we'll be working on and I'll support you to see what we'll work on.

Usually, we start with reflection on what good has happened since our last session, any challenges and any lessons. We agree a topic for the call (usually agreed at the prior call) and work on gaining momentum. We end the session with learnings and commitments.

Each journey is different and I will flex the approach to your individual needs.

I've got no idea what I want, is it right for me?

If you don't want to be where you are, that can be enough of a sign that coaching will work for you. I will help you understand your vision and create the belief you can get there.

We can start to explore this in further detail in your consultation call to see if I'm the right coach for you.

How long is the waiting list?

My availability depends on wider commitments and therefore the amount of one to one space I have varies.

You will be contacted shortly after joining the wait list to advise on next steps.

What if I need support between sessions?

You will get access to all of my resources - which include training and workbooks - to apply your learnings out side of core sessions.

If you are committing to a course of 6 or 12 sessions - you will also get voice note / WhatsApp support, should you need it.

How many sessions will I need?

It depends on the size of your goal and the steps to get there.

Most clients book a block of 6 and we work together to that timeline and explore what transformation can be achieved (it's often more than you think!)

Some clients simply book a session a month as a 'maintenance' session to keep them accountable on their path.

Some simply need one session as they know what they want to focus on and feel close to the finish line, they just need help navigating a challenge.

We can explore this in more detail in our consultation call.

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